Gifts Come In Strange Packages

No I haven’t forgotten my blog.  I have been staring at the page, or not, for three days.  I have been so tired.  The after holiday crashes are exhausting for everybody, but coming out of the last four months of cancer treatment have left me ‘pooped’.

I spent most of December applying for college, getting transcripts from ancient times (you wouldn’t think this wouldn’t be difficult but I got caught in an administrative nightmare…patience…), and finally getting accepted.  I have two AA degrees, and on my bucket list was to have my bachelors degree, and maybe even a masters.  I think I have time!

But my greatest life lessons are coming from the past six months.  I am not even aware of what they all are yet, but I discussed this with my doctor today.  He planted some interesting thoughts in my head.  He also gave me some reaffirmation that all this has changed me forever.  Ha, it wasn’t just in my head.  It seems like everyday I realize things that were not true – that I thought were, or things that I let people get away with – that I will try never to repeat.  Gifts come in strange packages.

I am 60 now. (Do you know how I cringe to even say the number? For years I lied about my age..but I quit that now)  You would think that I would have this life thing figured out.  I am discovering it is just opening a new door.  I am thankful for the opportunity to see another season in my life, to experience a deeper richer life, and just to wake up and feel good.  But I am not all there yet, and I am still tired.  I have so much time to think about everything.  When you are recovering from anything, its like nature says ‘stop’ and I am now going to ‘make’ you listen.

So I listen to the story of my life.  And I see the errors of my ways, and I also see a lot of good things to.  Right now I don’t know how I am going to handle some of the negatives, and I am not going to exclusively focus on them at this time; I am going to focus on the positive – moving forward and getting healthy.  But I won’t ignore them either.   Gifts come in strange packages.

Remember, its the new year, and ladies get your mammograms!  If you don’t have insurance there are places to get free ones.  And speaking of free stuff, my friend Ann had a list of   free things for cancer patients and I would thank her, and give you the link.  Check it out at

Throw  out your old makeup advice, from Ann:  “(One thing I hadn’t thought of – your old makeup has bacteria on it – and when your white counts are low you can get an infection from it. So, this new makeup is not only fun but necessary for your health.)”A.S.

I did some research, and women should throw away mascara  that is older than three months anyway, because it gets bacteria on it. I got a nasty eye infection between my second and third surgery, and I am sure that’s where I got it. If you see people in treatment that don’t wear makeup (some people don’t anyway) but this is a good reason not to ….bacteria.  Throw out that three year old eye shadow. And lipstick should be replaced often.  I remember my friend Carol has hundreds of lipsticks….I shudder at the thought now.

The best advice is new is nice.  The Look Good Feel Great class sponsored by the American Cancer Society is wonderful, and has tons of free stuff and a great teacher  with tips on how to apply so you look and feel good.  (I am not sure it always helps but most days it does). Try it.  Can’t hurt and its free.

Now if somebody would just come and clean the house.  LOL

See ya tomorrow!!!!!!!!  Have a great night!



About Bonnie

Breast Cancer survivor owned by one old Shelty and a 3 pound Yorkie named Mimzy!
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