Monthly Archives: December 2013

Tomorrow becomes Today = Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We made it, we are here.   Celebrate the gift of life,, the new year and the future!!!!!!!  

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I wanted

  I wanted to eat wild strawberries on a blanket under the Eiffel tower in Paris So I ate blackberries on a tablecloth under an oak tree in Evergreen I wanted to taste snowflakes in the Alps on a mountain … Continue reading

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Holidays – do you find them difficult?

Sometimes all this cheer is more than I can bear.  I think a lot of people feel that way around the holidays because many don’t have these big family gatherings.  If you look around your neighborhood….do you really see what is … Continue reading

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Gifts – Friends in places not expected!

Happy Solstice Today!  This is the shortest day of the year. I don’t have  family plans for the holidays.  I am having friends over and friends have had me over.  In fact I feel guilty I have been ‘fed’ by … Continue reading

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Holidays, Anniversary and Changes

Hi Everyone! I wish you all a happy holiday season including lots of chocolate and cinnamon smelling candles,, and peaceful moments.  These paste few months have been a time of transition for me. Don’t you hate the word transition? It … Continue reading

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