Okay it has been way to long since I have been away from my keyboard and my blog. My blog feels like an old friend…You know, the one you outgrew but yet you glance over to them on the playground and your heart does that twitch thing….but yet you know you have outgrown them? Yes, I have outgrown my blog.
OR?? Have I just been practicing avoidance behavior? Our lives go on, no matter what happens until its over. There will be laundry to do, and taxes to pay, and jobs to do. Life still unfolds around us. And that’s the circle of life.
Am I wiser? Ah maybe just different.
Okay so what have I been up to if I am not writing or dreaming about something to do with writing? Well I took a big leap of faith, and I went back to work. Which it turns out, is exactly where I should be! Where I am ready to be. Where I am.
There ya have it. Bloom where you are planted. This bulb, was slow to come out of the ground however. But I have. and I am okay. I feel like the little bear that hibernated all winter long, and stuck her little head out and said “is it safe out here?” “Is it spring yet?”.
Its spring! The sun is out. The weather is warm. I remember what I do for a living. I love what I do for a living, its fun for the most part. It pays well, and the people are intelligent and have plans and basically are busy living.
but now I am back to work, I have no time to do all my stuff. Yes all my stuff that is so important. Now I have to wash the dog, mow the yard, weed the flowers and all in my spare time. Gees, no wonder people hire people to do stuff.
Time to think is few and far between. but maybe that’s good. It is what it is.
Life is good. I am happy. I took the fork in the road and I am headed that way…..hope to see you there!