I wanted


I wanted

to eat wild strawberries
on a blanket
under the Eiffel tower
in Paris

So I

ate blackberries
on a tablecloth
under an oak tree
in Evergreen

I wanted

to taste snowflakes
in the Alps
on a mountain
in Switzerland

So I

ate a snow cone
at the foot of Mt Rainier and

sang a song of Jesus



I wanted

to feel the ocean
against my bare
skin in
deep water

So I

took off my
clothes and
climbed in
a blue washtub


I wanted

to reclaim the time
spent in our breakfast
nook arguing who was
right, who was wrong

So I

taste my morning bagel
see light filtered through
glass and green


I wanted

to be a famous author

with a best seller novel

and money in the bank

with respect and friends

so I

wasted my time

working in a field I didn’t want to be in


About Bonnie

Breast Cancer survivor owned by one old Shelty and a 3 pound Yorkie named Mimzy!
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