Hi Everyone,
Hope you are enjoying spring wherever you are! We were here until this morning and now I have the furnace back on! Yuk, after days of leaving it off and having the front door open and the screens all open.
Oh well it will come again soon and I suppose we need the rain! Look at the bright side it makes Seattle so fresh smelling and green. One of the good things about living here and being by the water is that the air is not polluted enough to tell most days! Instead there is a slight breeze and moisture in the air. Look at it this way, we don’t get early wrinkles here. our hair usually is not frizzy from humidity because it never gets that warm. And of course, on a rare occassion we get snow. We don’t get tornados normally either. Our weather, like our people,, are middle of the road!
I have been planting flowers, painting baskets and things I found to recycle. Today I am off to have a massage! That should be good. I am taking the time to tend to my body’s needs for a change. Good things for it, massage and walks and working with my hands.
To say that reflection is a time of recovery is truly correct. It gives you time to reflect, and a time to know your limits and plan around them. Not everything must be accomplished today. Although, if I don’t get to taking care of Mimzy’s hair pretty soon, I won’t even be able to find her in that maze. Yorkies have hair pretty much like ours and needs to be washed often. Like bi-weekly to make it stay nice. and then there is the hair cut. Her hair grows so fast and so do her toe nails. If I am not careful,, the dept of social services for animals will be visiting me.
Mimzy hates to have her nails cut. She is four years old is so independent! I also have a old Sheltie who’s hair is a nightmare. It is all wooly and has a thick undercoat. Everybody has been neglected around here and I am trying to play catch up. but like I said, if it doesn’t get done today it really won’t make the world stop. Balance in everything I guess.
maybe I should start doing lists. Everywhere I go I see people with their lists. I wonder sometimes if they really get anything done because they are always making lists. I have resisted the list thing although I do have a whiteboard on the refrigerator as a reminder of what is coming up. Like my massage at 1 and it is now 12:07.
But like everything else, I have been neglecting my blog. I hate to do that. but somedays I don’t want to think about cancer and recovery. I want to think about happy things and getting out in the nice weather. Then every once in awhile I will get a twitter or an email that will spurn me on to keep writing. Writing has been good for my soul. I have been doing it since I was in the third grade. i write when I am lost,cold, confused or just feeling lonely. I write to try and figure out what went wrong with my children. They will love it when the book gets published about them!!! Not!!! They are mad anyway so they might as well stay that way, and I will make some money in the process. That isn’t funny I know.
Families are a strange thing. I use to always think mine was wonderful. I don’t know. What is wonderful anyway? It is just like our feelings. Don’t last. Wait five minutes and feelings change.
Well I am glad I feel happy today for whatever reason. I am a little tired but one good nap would fix that. Instead I will go have a massage and drink lots of water and then come home and take a nap.
Tonight I promise I will sit down and map out the next month of blogs for my posting. I have some interesting topics coming up…that I am investigating. A friend is having some kind of liver gamma knife operation i will write about. to remove her tumor. And I have found a new shop in Seattle that is great for helping with designing clothes and making life seem normal for me! Till then I bid you a good day!
Thank you all! Your support means alot to me.