My Mother Dies.

Can you believe it?  In the middle of me writing about grief and loss my mother passes away.  It seems that life’s little lessons keep popping up and challenging me.  Well, it is going to happen for all of us..losing our parents.

Well I personally don’t like to say that someone has passed.  Passed where?  They didn’t pass.  They died.

Mother issues surround us all. It doesn’t seem to matter who it is, we all have issues with our mothers.  And personally I don’t even want to go there this week.  My Mom died last Tuesday, or early Wednesday morning.  I was not there. I didn’t feel the need for me to be there. Her and I are connected anyway and that’s another topic for another day.

Its hard in the middle of the storm to see which direction to go.  So for this week I am allowing myself to flounder, to just feel the feelings, to go talk to friends that will listen and not judge, and not do psycho babble to me about what I should feel or not feel.

On top of everything else this keyboard is shot and hops around and inserts letters wherever it feels.

How did you handle your parents death?  I guess you don’t handle it.  Its normal to feel bad.

I am taking time away from the blog as I pass thru treatment. I was not going to the doctor so often now, and don’t need to see the oncologist until December.  I just haven’t felt like writing. I don’t know if anyone can understand this.  But I would just like to feel normal for a little while. Just a little while of peace and being normal.

And then my Mom dies.    Its not  like this was not unexpected. She had dementia and had been in hospice for the last six months. She hasn’t know me in a year.  I think I wrote about the last time I seen her in here somewhere.

Doesn’t life just sometimes make you want to pull out your hair?  Oops that is not true, my hair just grew back!!

Life:  Sit down, shut up and hang on. The train is moving again.

Try and have a good week!

About Bonnie

Breast Cancer survivor owned by one old Shelty and a 3 pound Yorkie named Mimzy!
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