My body is my business. I am making it my business. For the next thirty days, I am on a positive mission to to make my body a Spontaneous Remission project.
What is my objective in doing this? My objective is to remove my negative emotions and figure out what my body needs to heal. I think my project may help you heal; whether it is from an illness or from a injury. All our bodies have a great capacity to recover from extreme circumstances. We just need to find the key that will work for the door we need to open. But negative emotions are like a time bomb in our body; waiting to explode!
In this mission, I am not abandoning western medicine but I am adding to it which will give me a better chance for a positive outcome! Basically this means I am adding a variety of good fresh vegetables along with herbs and vitamins. Because I have type 2 diabetes also, I am careful to include portions of fresh fruit, but smaller portions spread throughout the day. Today a wonderful gift appeared at my doorstep! My friend Mary came home from California with a bag of fresh lemons! They are right from the tree still with the greens attached! Oh, score! I squeeze them in fresh cold water and they are delicious!
One cool thing to do with lemons is to squeeze them into ice cube trays and freeze them. Then you can use fresh squeezed lemon juice in your ice cubes! Yummy! and ….Healthy!! Plain melted ones can be fresh lemon juice for cooking. Lemons are a great source of vitamin C. Here is a link to all your basic fruits and what’s in them for you. Print it out and keep it for future ideas how to switch your diet around. Ensure you have good food for your body!
Every negative emotion or negative thought is poisonous to our bodies. I can watch on my diabetes meter the effect of stress. We are the gatekeepers of our mind. We need to take good care of our minds so it in turn tells our mind we are ok. Our mind is over our medicines. Its vital we get well. Our labs may say we are normal but if we are not taking care of our minds we put ourselves at risk. From diagnosis to death, we are facing mortality. Did you ever tell yourself if I only knew then what I know now…? Its been clinically proven that if reduce our stress we reduce our risk of disease. How exactly does that work?
The nervous system is the key to our healing and the key to our mind. Controlling the mind is going to control the nervous systems response in our body. Do you know that when you are angry, sad or depressed your body is pouring out chemicals? When you are frightened, ‘the fight or flight’ hormone is activated in your body. Your body cannot continually go through this physiological response without detrimental consequences!.
So when did I face some potentially disease causing stressors in my life? I can absolutely point to the day one key thing happened. There were several but one of those things is so ‘out-front’ in my psyche! And my family would not want me to talk about it. Nope, notta, don’t air our business. Secrets…it’s another whole topic of which no one wants to talk about it. I will save it for another day.
New posts will be coming on meditation and controlling your physical responses to stress hormones. We can reduce our own heart disease, cancer, MS, by practicing a few of these good habits. Start today! It’s your future.