A Natural Pain Reliever – Polish in origin she said

Hey everybody,  I hope I didn’t write about this before, but I am trying it again – on my mastectomy site. (Where Lefty was).

I never would have believed this in my lifetime if I hadn’t tried it.  The oncology social worker told me about this after I had a procedure called sentinel node biopsy.  This incision would not stop hurting.  I don’t care how much pain meds I took the only thing they did was put me to sleep and it still hurt when I woke up, and my head was fuzzy.

That’s the hardest part about pain meds, they fuzzy up your brain.

Well this is her solution.  I expected some high psychiatry version of stress control.  But it was sweet and simple; and I swear it works.

Go to the kitchen and get a fry pan, add some white flour.  I used whole wheat and it worked the same.  Turn the heat on medium and put in about one cup of flour and spread it around the bottom of the pan.  Heat until it slightly browns, stirring all the time. Takes about 3-4 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Let cool a little, then put it in the center of paper towel.  The towel has to be white, without any colors on it.  You could also use white linen towels.  Fold the edges around, over and over, until the flour is sealed in the wrap. I just folded it four times, and nothing leaked out.  The size was about 4 x 3 inches.  Figure out what size you need to cover.

Put the warm (not hot) over the part that is hurting from surgery or sprain, or whatever. Of course you would not lie it directly on an incision but I did.  I put it inside my camisole, partly under my arm and then I layed down for twenty minutes.  It relaxes, so I wondered if it was the resting doing it.  I left the flour packet on my incision for 24 hours.  It gets cold, that doesn’t matter.  The next day, the inside of the white packet that had been against the skin looked yellowish.

Honestly, that incision had bothered me for almost two weeks.  It never hurt again.  So last night, I was thinking I should try this again across the whole mastectomy site and see if it would loosen the skin up. The skin is so tight it is like it is stapled to my rib cage.  As you can imagine, its uncomfortable and I get so cranky.  When the dogs start hiding, I know I need to do something.   And since somebody had the bright idea to take away my pain pills :( I am left with Polish old remedies from somebody that probably knows what she is doing, with a PHD added on.)  It didn’t work as easily, as it did for the biopsy but it did bring relief.  Its harmless, cheap and effective, and non addictive.  Thanks Margaret.

I think I will do it again.  And visualize a beach in Hawaii.

Here’s to recovery.  Use what you have!  What have you to lose but one cup of flour, 4 minutes and discomfort?

About Bonnie

Breast Cancer survivor owned by one old Shelty and a 3 pound Yorkie named Mimzy!
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